Monday, October 26, 2009

Lessons From Nature - Scholastic News

Are there lessons to be learned from nature? How can we make a global impact from these lessons from nature? What will our LES plan look like?


Anonymous said...

I will have all kinds of flowers and somebody to gaurd the garden to keep people from throwind garbadge and we will have a recycle bin in the garden.Pearl

Anonymous said...

well if we recycle we will help the imvirment and mother nature and to keep the planet clean so we can be proud of cleaning the earth and we can plant flowers and and clean beaches so the animals want get hurt.Breshayla

Anonymous said...

We don't have to litter eny more.We can recycle more we can turn off the waterwhen we brush our teeth we can turn off the lights during the day and open the blinds we can ride our bikes to school wecan take the bus,ride our scooter,or take your friends in your car with you.Rebecca

Anonymous said...

well i can say that we can go around the school and start cleaningup. Jakae'la

Anonymous said...

if we recycle we will help the world

Anonymous said...

Well if everybody recycle trash every thing would be clean and nobody will litter trash on the ground.

Anonymous said...

Well i say everybody should recycle.

Anonymous said...

we can clean up the trash wich is called recycleing

Anonymous said...

If we recycle we can help the inviyerment.

Anonymous said...

i will recycle plant's. marchell