Thursday, November 12, 2009

Loved Best by Patricia McKissack

If you were Carolyn, would you have tried to say the poem again? Explain why or why not.


Anonymous said...

I would try to say the poem again instead of giving up the chance to say it again. And if iI had messed up I would keep trying.breshayla

Anonymous said...

no becouse if i kept on tring agin and agin they would probly laugh at me couse i would keep on laufing at me coues i would keep on trying to remeber the poem


Anonymous said...

I would not try to say the the poem again because I am not used to saying something on stage I would feel nervos to

Anonymous said...

Yes I would be trying to say the poem agin because pratice makes perfect.

Anonymous said...

The girl thought she was not loved the best and she forgot her lines what she is the best.

Anonymous said...

The girl thought she was not loved the best and she forgot her lines what she is apost to say on the stage and she was loved the best.

Anonymous said...

no the girl did a pome fargot what to say. jacob

Anonymous said...

The girl forgot what she say and she was nervise.

Anonymous said...

because if you would have to say a poem i would be nervise. marchell

Anonymous said...

because if you would have to say a poem i would be nervise. marchell