We read about a lot of different animals and how they communicate. Communication is very important between beings. What is similar about the way two bull elk and two arctic hares communicate?
The bull elk communicate buy ramming there antlers together they trie to see who is stronger and better.The artic hares pick up there paws to see who is stronger and better.So the same thing they do is they both try to see who is stronger and better.Rebecca
animals commuticate and youses body movements to tell what they are saying without yousing words the white tail deer raises its tail raises it means danger is comeing and a catapiler lets out a bad smell to keep the enamy away from it. A bug makes a sign to stay away. when a pangiun gets angry with another pangiun it strats a fight teling whos the boss.
what up
Well bull elk,s run into each others antlers and that says who,s the boss?But I can,t remember what artic hares does to communicate.
thay rub agenst thier hourns.-jacob
Well they bump into each other I think. They kinda fight a little.savannah
It is similar because they hit each other with there heads and that means who is stronger
they see who is strongest sameer
who do they understand what they are doing.breshayla
the deer holds up its tail that means they are saying come on.
It is about how animals talk to one another.It was a really,really cool story.When a deer's tail sticks up it means "I'm getting out of here."Erik
The bull elk communicate buy ramming there antlers together they trie to see who is stronger and better.The artic hares pick up there paws to see who is stronger and better.So the same thing they do is they both try to see who is stronger and better.Rebecca
i leared that when aniamals can talk indiffrint ways
the communicate by there sound that the make to tell if the are mad or happy when the are talking to each other. BY KYLA
animals commuticate and youses body movements to tell what they are saying without yousing words the white tail deer raises its tail raises it means danger is comeing and a catapiler lets out a bad smell to keep the enamy away from it. A bug makes a sign to stay away. when a pangiun gets angry with another pangiun it strats a fight teling whos the boss.
I larend that animals communicate with each other with a sound. by ana smith
I larend that animals communicate with each other with a sound. by ana smith
me and my mom and dad they communicate with me by saying nice words. marchell
Some animals communicate the same but some do not.I wonder how kuwolas communicate. matthew
Well...what is similar about how arctic hares and two bull elks communicate is by fighting,like hitting,or pushing antlers. -Mackenzie
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