Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Natural Disaster: Haiti

Wow, I cannot believe the overwhelming tragedy the recent earthquakes have caused in Haiti. Before January12th I cannot say that I really knew very much about Haiti. My learning has certainly changed. Together we have learned that Haiti is a small island. We have learned that the people of Haiti are typically poor, which makes the earthquake tragedy worse. Together we have decided on raising money to send to the Red Cross. We also discussed our feelings and how knowing that their are kids just like you and grown-ups just like me in Haiti who are suffering. All of these feelings make you want to do more. I think that it is important for each of us to truely understand what natural disasters are and know how to be prepared. You have divided into groups and started researching the different types of natural disasters. What can you tell me about what you learned? Has your thinking changed? If so, in what ways?


Anonymous said...

I have learned about Tornados and that a Thunder storm causes a Tornado and that a Tornado starts out as a funnel cloud.And that Tornados mostly come in the United states.Pearl

Anonymous said...

i have learnned about hurricans and that hurricane Katrina caused a massive damage when it hit Florida but not as much as the earthquake in haiti.
At first I didn't think an earthquake could cause so much damage but when you showed me the pictures of haiti I cried like a baby.


Anonymous said...

My thinking has changed because I went on fema and wheather wiz kids and I learned that they have a blue and red flag and they and they are poor and after the earthquake they had an aftershock 6.1 and they live in tents on the ground. And they have kids justnd like us over at haiti suffering and went day without brushing there teeth.Bre,shayla

Anonymous said...

I learned that snow storms start out as rain, then the rain freezes, then becomes sleet or snow. The sleet and snow freezes onto trees, branches and bushes and covers the ground. It can cause power outages, driving problems, and even avalaches.

-Tate Travis

Anonymous said...

my thiking has changed because the people from haiti has got hit by an earthquak because the babies. marchell

Anonymous said...

my thiking has changed because i went to fema weather wiz kids haiti has the most earthquakes. marchell

Anonymous said...

dear mrs.jones my thinking has changed because in haiti they was having a lot of earthquakes In the whole country they said in the newspapar that haiti country is smaller than any other country in the world. so we are planning on doing haiti change drive. and one more thing i have to say is that dear haiti we love you and we miss the people who died fronm haits earthquake. we love you haiti from that earthquake. from:marchell to:mrs.jones

Anonymous said...

I have learned about winter storms and they are 2 air masses crashing togather.sameer

Anonymous said...

Yes it did change and i learned about winter storms and there is a lot it can cause on us.sameer

Anonymous said...

Haiti is poor and need help.Judson

Anonymous said...

I did not studie much about tornados but I did learn that the hot and cold chase eachother that causes an tornado.Savannah

Anonymous said...

I have heard about a Earthquake at haiti and haiti needs money to build haiti back up.There are lots of earthquakes,in californina, the united states.samuel

Anonymous said...

I have learned all kinds of stuff about natural disasters. matthew

Anonymous said...

Haiti is a poor and help.Judson

Anonymous said...

Winter storms are storms that happen in the winter and snows and it is very pretty and it is white.

Anonymous said...

I learned a lot about tornadoes. and I learnd that tornadoes are wirling cloud's. tornadoes mostly come in the United states. Brianna

Anonymous said...

Hati's flag looks very cool.I wish I could go to Hati & help them. Erik Lofton Farmer

Anonymous said...

I have learned that people are hurt. And they need help. I wish that the earthqake never happend. I WISH I could suffer for them.

Anonymous said...

Many people where sad about the earthquakes that had hit haiti.People where hurt when the earthqauke that hit haiti.The people werey if they would make it from dieing.They didn't make it from dieing.People where in there house. by ana