Monday, October 26, 2009

Lessons From Nature - Scholastic News

Are there lessons to be learned from nature? How can we make a global impact from these lessons from nature? What will our LES plan look like?

The Wump World by Bill Pete

After reading and discussing Wump World in class, How do you think we as a society compare to the Wumps and the Pollutians?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stone Soup by Jon Muth

In the story Stone Soup the monks were searching for what makes one happy. Do you think the monks found happiness or helped create happiness? Please explain your thinking.

How Can You Make Gold by Vicki Cobb

This Week we read Vickie Cobb's How Can You Make Gold. In this nonfiction text we had to sift through a lot of new learning. Share with me something that you read that was new learning. Do you think the amount of new information in this text made it harder for you to understand? Why or Why not?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How Animals Talk by Susan McGrath

We read about a lot of different animals and how they communicate. Communication is very important between beings. What is similar about the way two bull elk and two arctic hares communicate?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Aero and Officer Mike Police Partner's by Joan Plummer Russell

This story reminded me of the article we read together in our Scholastic Newspaper. I learned some new information from that article. I never knew that their were horses that helped disabled people. I can tell that animals that are chosen to be aids for the disabled must be special and well trusted. Do you think that Areo is smarter than most other dogs? Why or Why not?