Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Trapped Miners

WOW!! I can't begin to imagine what these miners are going through at this moment. These miners have been without their families for 70 days. They were stuck under ground about 1/2 mile after a tunnel collapsed, and had to eat only two teaspoons of tuna fish, a sip of milk with a half of a biscuit each every 48 hours. They are probably filled with joy and excitement as they reach ground one at a time. Waiting above ground are their families members to greet them with hugs. They did not know if they would ever see their love ones again. If you could talk to these miners, what are some questions that you would ask them about their adventure.


Anonymous said...

I would ask them if they cried if they slept and if they ever felt very very very very lonley.laynie

Anonymous said...

I would ask them where did it happend and where and who did this?


Anonymous said...

I would ask if they felt scared sad or hot.kaleb

Anonymous said...

I would ask them how they servied with only one sip of milk and two sipes of tuna fish and half a biscuit???

by john David

Anonymous said...

I would ask them
How many hours have you been down here?
Where did you live before you were caved in?
Do they have any children?
Was they worried about there friends and family?


Anonymous said...

I would ask them how much work did they do? Also if they saw some type of animal that we may have not seen befor?Also if they have seen some type of rock that we have not seen befor?


Anonymous said...

I would aek do it hrot them and are do they have home.

by jnajee

Anonymous said...

I would ask them wouldn't it be lonley with out seeing your family for 48 hours?

Anonymous said...

I would ask them what they do and
how long they work and i would ask.
them when they get off work.michael