Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Natural Disaster: Haiti

Wow, I cannot believe the overwhelming tragedy the recent earthquakes have caused in Haiti. Before January12th I cannot say that I really knew very much about Haiti. My learning has certainly changed. Together we have learned that Haiti is a small island. We have learned that the people of Haiti are typically poor, which makes the earthquake tragedy worse. Together we have decided on raising money to send to the Red Cross. We also discussed our feelings and how knowing that their are kids just like you and grown-ups just like me in Haiti who are suffering. All of these feelings make you want to do more. I think that it is important for each of us to truely understand what natural disasters are and know how to be prepared. You have divided into groups and started researching the different types of natural disasters. What can you tell me about what you learned? Has your thinking changed? If so, in what ways?

Genre Study: Fairy Tales

We have been practicing the use of comparison and contrast. Through the use of this reading strategy we began a genre study on fairy tales. We have learned that each fairy tale contains certain elements that make them more than just a story, a real fairy tale. Which element did you find was a sure give away that what you were reading was in fact a fairy tale? Was it the beginning, the characters, or maybe the plot? What element did you find yourself looking for immediately as we began a new text? We have also learned that their are many versions available for our enjoyment of our favorite "traditional" fairy tales. Which fairy tale combination did you find most interesting and easiest to compare/contrast? Why?